Friday, April 1, 2011

The Goods

Ugh! Choosing a title for this blog was difficult for me.  I'm the type of person who second guesses pretty much every decision I make (although, surprisingly this does not include shopping.  I can quickly determine if I want to purchase something - large, small, whatever - and I almost never regret a purchase).  Choosing a title for my blog quite obviously fell into this category.  I finally settled on "The Goods" because what this blog will contain is "the goods" on my life.  My thoughts, my photos, my hopes, my dreams, the petty things that annoy me, the big things that annoy me and everything in between.  Anyone who knows me knows I've got a LOT to say! 

I need this creative outlet because I'm not one of those new moms whose whole life has become all about being a mom.  Well, okay, I sorta am.  My brain, however, doesn't want to play that game.  I still think and act the same way I did before becoming a mommy.  Sometimes it's appropriate for a mother to act the way I do - and sometimes not.  What am I gonna do? I'm still me. 

So here it is in print.  The goods on me, my life, my family and the important and sometimes inane things that go through my head.  There's a lot.  I'll probably be the only one checking this blog out, so enjoy yourself, Maureen! 

For good measure, here is a picture of my sweet little family: