Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Global Warming Deniers

What the hell, Michigan? What is up with your weather? One day we have mountains of snow, and the next we have buckets of rain.  Oh, Global Warming deniers...what sort of evidence do you need? 

All Michiganders know that we have wonky weather.  It's not like it's new news.  However, the last five years have proven that climate change is really happening.  My husband and I often wonder what a "Michigan Winter" will look like in 20 years.  Pretty warm, I'm guessing. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Already Longing For Spring

I've always loved a good 'ole Michigan winter.  Sadly, the Winter I knew as a child has not been seen in many years.  So, instead of frolicking in the snow, I am longing for the Spring.  The times, they are a-changing. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Holiday Season in Pictures

Because, why not?

Starting the season off right with Silver Bells in the City.

Hot cocoa and hard cider help to make the season bright.

Visiting Santa. 

Jamming to Christmas music, playing with trains and being a goof in front of the tree. 

Wrapping gifts.

Headed out to make snow angels. 

Christmas Eve.