Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Little Outings

We try to go and do at least one thing every day. I think it would be really easy for me to let our day revolve around chores and playtime, with a few trips to the backyard thrown in. For some reason though, I just feel it's so important for us to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE at least once a day.

If it were just up to me, even though I just said I found is oh so important, this would rarely happen.  Luckily, my husband loves to take Cassie places as well, and often I will just leave them to it.  I get time to myself and they get a fun outing.  Things are working!

We go to parks, shopping, grandma's house, play dates, the library, etc.

Today it was just the two of us, and our outing was a trip to the local historic village (Greenfield Village) and The Henry Ford Museum, followed by an unexpected and (toddler demanded) long visit to our neighborhood park on the way home.

There were some older kids at the park - I'm guessing an age range of 7 to 11. One young lady took a special interest in Cass (who kept calling her "girl," despite the fact that she introduced herself as Elizabeth) and talked to us the whole time. It was very sweet.

Our planned 2 hour outing somehow turned into almost 4, and we were exhausted by the time we rolled home.

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