Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let's Go Fly A Kite

My husband had never flown a kite. I have vague memories of having done so.  At some point.  I'm honestly not sure.

Since last summer my daughter has been begging to go fly a kite.  Once she fell in love with Mary Poppins, she fell in love with kites.  The two go together, dontcha know.

The weather has been batty lately, but that's to be expected in Michigan. One of those, "Nice Winter we're having this Spring," scenarios. Luckily, we have had some warmer, windy days lately...perfect for kite flying. Or so Google tells me.

So, a few days ago we dug up a lovely kite Cassie had received for Christmas. And we flew it. So fun!

If you haven't flown a kite in a while (or especially if you have NEVER flown one), I highly recommend giving it a shot.  

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