Friday, April 19, 2013

Regrets, I've Had a Few

I have never understood people who say they have zero regrets.  I mean, I understand them if they happen to be speaking English, but I just don't get how someone can go through life and have absolutely no regrets.  It must be nice to be so very smart.

I think the key to regret management is actually learning from the experience that caused regret, and making changes if appropriate.  How do you grow if you do not err?  And how can one really say that they are happy to have made every single error in judgment, action and thought? Every Single One? Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

What I can understand, and the truth I personally live, is respecting your regrets and knowing that in conjunction with the lessons learned, you can end up where you want to be.  No human can always make the correct choice.  It's not possible to never fall short, never screw-up, never disappoint.  It would make for a very uninteresting personality if it were.

Most of my regrets start with, "I shouldn't have eaten so much _________," or "Why did I drink so much ___________".  But like most living people, I have some larger ones.  Not many, but a few.  They don't weigh on me or cause existential crisis, but they are there.  Those regretted moments may actually have made me a better person, they may even be the reason for this lovely, amazing life I lead, but I still cringe, and...well, regret.  

Come on, be honest, so do you!

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