Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Frozen Fruit

I recently decided to make some raspberry infused vodka for a camping trip we have coming up in a few months.

Basically, I just took an old applesauce jar (so glad I saved it despite my stepmom's dire warnings that I was veering into hoarder territory. She was gentle about it. And I am totally normal, people!), and filled it with raspberries, vodka, and some sugar. Then I closed that baby up and stuck it in a cool, dark pantry. I'll "burp" it in a month and see what's happening. I anticipate just sort of shaking it up and leaving it for a second month. I'll have to strain it (I've heard a coffee filter is an even better option than cheesecloth).  Hopefully it will be good to go by camping time.

We usually buy organic berries for the kid's sake, but this time I asked my husband just to pick up some frozen for cost effectiveness. Well, they turned out to be organic frozen raspberries. So, I have no idea if they were any cheaper or not. I should ask him!

My kid eats fruit like its going out of style, so I happily tossed her a few frozen berries and thought nothing of it. Dumb mommy moment. Seriously. Those suckers are waaaay messier than the fresh stuff.

Hence, she looked like a vampire baby. A very cute one!

I am so looking forward to testing out that vodka a month from now.

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