Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Feeding Ducks

Little C's nap ran later than usual yesterday, but we still managed to attend to our fun errands.  Our trip to the library was a success...if you count borrowing a Barney DVD as successful. And a Dora DVD and one called I Can Go Potty.  Yeah, no books for the baby this time round.  I tried to steer her away from the movies, but it was pointless.  Luckily, she has lots and lots of reading material at home.

I actually managed to hastily grab three books for myself, although I really didn't get to choose them in the most literal of sense.  They kinda chose me by jumping into my hand as I gathered up my toddler and her many movies.  Luckily, one was a book I have been dying to read! Darkly Dreaming Dexter. It is the book upon which the television show is based.  Well, the first in the series.  As a fan of the show (though not the last season so much...something I know most Dexter fans agree with me on), I have really been wanting to read this book.  Score!

We also made it to Grandma's house for a short visit, and then stopped at the park to feed ducks.  FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. Seriously, my kid is going to be 2 in a few short months and I had never even taken her to throw bread at ducks.  Mommy fail.

So bread throwing we went! It took us a bit to actually find some ducks.  The foliage between the path and the river was dense, and we had to double back to even find an opening.  Lo and behold we came upon the perfect duck feeding spot (I'm guessing that is it's intended purpose), and made our way forth.

At first, the river was duck-less.  I threw out a crumb of bread and was immediately set upon by two feisty ducks.  Success.  Two turned in to countless.  A few brave ones hung out on the platform with us, even though I tried to shoo them away.  I'm not even sure why I bothered.  Something about duck germs and worry over them biting my baby was running through my head.  I wasn't actually worried about these things, but I was worried that I was just ignorant of the fact I should be worried.  So.  It was fine.

The ducks sure loved their mid-afternoon treat of dry hot dog buns!

We also played in the trees a little bit.  They were irresistible.

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