Friday, October 5, 2012

Almost 2

It is inconceivable to me that two years have come and gone since my darling little girl was born.  Two??? I don't even know how that is possible.  The date proves it, though.  Sunday is October 7th, 2012, and my Cassandra was born on October 7, 2010.  So there you have it.  It's math.  No denying it.

The joy that this tiny human has brought to our lives cannot be described in words.  I won't even bother to try.

Minutes after she was born

 Three days old

The Last 6 Months: 

Lately, she's taken to saying, "I need Mommy," pretty much every 5 minutes.  While it's hard to get things done, it is heart melting and I don't mind one bit.  My baby is going to be an only child and I will take every chance I can to hold her close.  Even if it's every 5 minutes.  

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