Thursday, October 18, 2012

Library Story Time at Henry Ford Centennial Library

Every week we attend story time at the library. Cassie's age group is 2-3 year olds and it's usually quite packed.

First, they do a craft (today was a toilet paper roll mummy), then we go into the special story time room for songs, exercise/dancing, story telling, and other educational games.

Honestly, it is really fun and really well taught. My little girl gets a bit shy and usually just participates while sitting on my lap, or at least very, very close to me. Afterwards, she talks about it for hours. She'll say, "we did the hokey pokey!", even though she just nervously stood by me as I tried to get her to do the moves like she does at home.

I think her nerves come from limited interaction with large groups of children. She is friendly and has cousins and friends to play with, but she does not go to daycare, so she doesn't get that type of socialization.

I feel the weekly story time is very important for her social development. As long as she is potty trained, we plan on putting her in pre-school within the next 10 months, so story time is a great precursor to that.

I had to laugh today when she pulled out a book and sat down to "read" by herself after today's session.

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