Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bad Habits

I have a horrible habit of starting something and not finishing it.  I swore up and down that I would post to this blog at least every other day.  Now, it's been a few more than that and I have nothing prepared.

The weekend was busy and chock full of family obligations and several opportunities for Cassie to play with her cousins.  And she adores them.

Then Monday, more family came to visit and we did not get home until late. So, another day where I could have possibly blogged was whisked away.

I suppose I could have blogged during Cassie's nap time today.  I did other stuff instead, though.  I read, I showered, I ate a yummy lunch.  I was busy, darn it!

Anywho, I suppose I shall have to get back to it tomorrow.  We have a big trip coming up this weekend, so I'll be gone for five days starting Friday.  Thus, it is imperative I think of something interesting for tomorrow. :)

This picture is from August 2009.  Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Lake Michigan.

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